3. Individual Project
HND in Interior Design

About 3. Individual Project
Within the broad context of the creative industries there are many separate disciplines/specialisms. The main purpose of this unit is to provide students with the opportunity to discover personal strengths and inform independent practice.
This unit is designed to develop the skills to apply creative practice in response to a theme and topics set by Pearson. Students will carry out and apply the knowledge and skills, developed through other areas of their studies, to complete and present an individual project.
Wherever possible the unit will simulate working studio conditions,
which will enhance and develop professional industry skills and practice. The ability to define, plan and undertake a project is a critical set of skills throughout the various roles within the creative industries. Identifying appropriate information and analysing this, to formulate clear solutions, is required to underpin many of the processes that inform creative practice.
Please refer to the accompanying Pearson-set Assignment Guide and the Theme Release document for further support and guidance on the delivery of the Pearson-set unit.
Program Learning outcome:
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
- Examine specialist area of creative practice within historical and contemporary contexts.
- Develop art and design solutions, through an iterative development process, in response to a given brief.
- Present an art and design solution, including a portfolio of development work, in response to a given brief.
- Evaluate work in relation to an identified area of specialism in the creative industries.

TextBook Name:
SWALKER, S. (2014) Designing Sustainability: Making radical changes in a material world. 1st ed. Routledge.