5 - IT Governance and Compliance
BSc in Management Information Systems

About 5 - IT Governance and Compliance
IT Governance and Compliance (MIS405) explores the frameworks, policies, and practices necessary to ensure effective IT governance and regulatory compliance within organizations. The course focuses on aligning IT strategies with business goals, managing risks, and adhering to relevant compliance standards.
Program Learning outcome:
- Understand the principles and importance of IT governance.
- Explore IT governance frameworks and models.
- Develop skills in aligning IT strategies with organizational objectives.
- Implement risk management strategies in the IT context.
- Understand and comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
- Evaluate and implement IT policies and controls.

TextBook Name:
"IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results" by Peter Weill and Jeanne W. Ross.
Assessment Methods
Final Exam
Midterm Exam